Elizabeth Catlett

b.1915 – d.2012    Location: America, Mexico

“Her work revolved around themes such as social injustice, the human condition, historical figures, women and the relationship between mother and child.

Much of her career was spent teaching, as her original intention was to be an art teacher. After receiving her undergraduate degree, her first teaching position was in the Durham, NC school system. However she became very dissatisfied with the fact that black teachers were paid less and, she participated in an unsuccessful campaign, along with Thurgood Marshall, to gain equal pay.[8] After graduate school, she accepted a position at Dillard University in New Orleans in the 1940s. There she arranged a special trip to the Delgado Museum of Art to see the Picassoexhibit. As the museum was closed to blacks at the time, the group went on a day it was closed to the public.[2] She eventually went on to chair the art department.”[5] -Wikipedia

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